Theodor Kocher Institute

"No Denial" documentary

"No Denial" is a short documentary screened at the 3rd Global Science Film Festival Zürich in 2021. 

Produced by two of our PhD Students together with a group of young researchers at ETH and University of Zürich, `NO DENIAL` highlights a recent discovery by a team of Swiss Scientists studying the mechanisms behind SARS-Covid-19 viral infection. It underlines the necessity of a closer collaboration between scientists and the media to educate the general public in order to combat misinformation.

In depth explanation of the BBB

youtube ACTRIMS forum 2018, San Diego:


Britta Engelhardt is the coordinator od the Marie Sklodowska Curie Training Network BtRAIN funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 Programme. At the University of Bern this program is a tight collaboration between the TKI and the Interfaculty Bioinformatics Unit.

JUSTBRAIN Success Story video

Schlaganfall - Körpereigene Immunabwehr ist weniger schädlich als erwartet